The present study justifies, investigates and analyses the creation of a sub- brand extension of Condé Nast: Translucide. The project reflects the implemented marketing strategy for the magazine's launch.
Based on research focused on the emerging need for greater inclusivity and transparency within the publishing market sector, Translucide's approaches and tactics aim to meet these needs. In addition, Translucide's goals encompass the creation of an interconnected community where individuals can not only engage with something positive, but also be a part of it.Through its core values, personality and content, the brand conveys a positive outcome to society, transforming negative factors into empowering variables.

Furthermore, the creation of a Condé Nast sub brand embraces the influential factors of advertising by creating awareness of crucial issues in order for society to become inclusive, empowering and supportive of individuals .

Translucide is an Online Publication that will provide information, support, motivation and encouragement by adhering to five core values: Inclusivity, transparency, body positivity, awareness, and empowerment. Helping women feel better by helping them tap into their greatest source of strength: THEMSELVES

Situation Analysis-Target Consumer segment analysis

The targeted consumer for Translucide's publication is aligned with its predetermined values; Inclusivity, body positivity, transparency, empowerment & awareness. The particular customers for Translucide are individuals which reflect and represent said values.

Primary research enveloping a focus group and a survey regarding the necessity for further inclusivity within fashion advertising due to the cause of abnormal eating disorders and body dissatisfaction was conducted. The study included the insight of generation Z women where the intercorrelation of the aforementioned variables were researched. The research concluded that 61% of the participants do not find Fashion advertising inclusive and 65% stated that they want more inclusivity within the fashion sector and its advertising.This reflects an emerging consumer need to observe and gain greater inclusivity and transparency within fashion advertising and therefore be emulated in the magazine market sector.Furthermore, it mirrors that Translucide will fill a current gap market due to the lack of an extreme feminine but insightful and significant magazine.

The primary consumers for translucide are strong, resilient,independent, confident women who are not afraid to get what they want, they enhance themselves through their own empowerment and individuality. Translucide is a fashion magazine that encompasses thoughtful and significant issues of society such as the importance of mental health, but it also includes transparent fashion articles and editorial campaigns- photoshoots. Therefore, the primary consumer is strong but feminine women interested in sincere fashion. 

Georgina Tarruella de Abadal - Fashion Marketing & Public Relations 
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